Howdy Y’all!”

From Foodie to Funny: The Evolution of

My name is Craig Cartwright; born, raised, and living in San Antonio, TX., I have a passion for food fueled by years spent in restaurant kitchens and a love for culinary exploration. In the beginning, was a space to explore culinary trends, historical recipes, and of course, the delicious world of Tex-Mex cuisine. But as life (and waistlines) sometimes do, things took a turn. But as journeys often do, this one took a delicious detour! While Eathenet initially focused on recipes and trends, a different kind of recipe began to simmer: the recipe for laughter.


Shrine of Texas Liberty, the Alamo, at night

Enter Mullethead and Hambone, two fictional friends born from the desire to bring a smile to your face. These aren’t your typical sitcom creations. They’re rooted in the warmth of Southern charm, a playful rivalry, and a deep well of loyalty.

Mullethead, the construction worker with a heart of gold, and Hambone, the internet-savvy musician with a dash of stage fright, may seem like an odd couple. One’s a public-school-educated city boy turned urban cowboy, the other a private-school-educated small-town charmer and occasional rock ‘n roller. But their contrasting backgrounds are the secret sauce that makes their dynamic so darn entertaining.

So, what happened to the food? Don’t worry, foodies! While the focus has shifted, Mullethead’s love for a good barbecue spread (and Hambone’s frequent forays into culinary chaos) might still pop up in their hilarious exchanges.

At its core, Eathenet has become a celebration of humor and friendship. We may not be serving up actual dishes anymore, but we’re definitely serving up a heaping helping of laughter, relatable situations, and the heartwarming comfort of Southern camaraderie.

Join Mullethead and Hambone as they tackle everything from sports rivalries to social media etiquette, dissecting life’s little quirks with a healthy dose of wit and banter. Their contrasting perspectives guarantee laugh-out-loud moments, while their underlying bond reminds us of the power of friendship.

So, whether you’re looking for a chuckle or a reminder of life’s simple joys, pull up a chair and join the conversation. We guarantee you’ll leave with a smile (and maybe a craving for some good ol’ Southern cooking)!

“Thank you for visiting and I hope to see you again soon!”

You can reach me by kindly filling out the form below, or feel free to contact me directly, c/o Craig C. Thank You!”