
Guacamole? Yes please, a lot!


Guacamole, used in various ways, is a necessity to tex-mex.  In restaurants where I worked in San Antonio the recipe was very simple and quick, 5 ingredients, mash.  The majority of recipes I’ve come across online are basically pico de gallo mixed with avocado.  The only times I have seen this is when the restaurant ran out.  The quick fix was mashing avocado with pico; locals complained from time to time but many tourists didn’t know the difference. Below is a simple recipe for one that can be multiplied easily.  Since guac is best served immediately I don’t use lime juice (avocado turns brown fairly quickly when exposed to air).  The only valid reason I see for adding lime is if you want your guacamole to last beyond the meal it is intended for, or, you don’t like the taste of avocado.  Nothing wrong with mixing avocado with pico, it’s a handy trick if you have it on hand, and its great alone or with tortilla chips.  This method also allows for a longer lasting mix, considering the pico will have lime juice in it.

  • 1 avocado
  • 1/2 to a pinch salt (1/16 tsp.) or to taste
  • 1/2 pinch garlic powder (1/32 tsp.) or to taste
  • 1/2 pinch onion powder (1/32 tsp.) or to taste
  • grind or 2 black pepper (white pepper if you have it)


Combine all ingredients in molcajete or bowl, mash to desired smoothness, cover with plastic, touching the mixture to keep out air until served.

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